CQ CQ de VK9CI – we are trying to reach you all!

The team on Cocos Keeling Island has been hearing the comments from many areas about the lack of signals from VK9CI. We have honestly been trying our best, however the current geomagnetic storm has been making life very difficult. Even VK is struggling to hear us and only the paths to the north and east have been working for us.
In particular we are focused on calling for North America at the best times we have seen for that region, knowing how difficult a path it is. So far, we have found that the best times we have heard North America are around 0000z either Short or Long Path West Coast and 1100z on the Long Path for the East Coast, with 1100z being best pick on 20m and 17m. Due to the low signal levels we are concentrating on CW for NA. Please bear with us however as signals are very weak and often only at the same level as the tropical QRN noise and static here.
We also frequently ask the strongest stations to stand by as we try calling in other less easy to work regions such as South America, Oceania and Africa. We ask that those stations in other regions respect our wishes and standby accordingly as we really are trying to give VK9C to as many stations as possible who need VK9C as an ATNO (All time new one).
Please keep trying from your end, and we will continue to do our best from VK9CI for you. We guessed there must have been a reason VK9C was so high on the NA most wanted lists and now we know, It really isn’t an easy path! The following charts from VOACAP will hopefully help identify bearings and times for you!
North America East – Long Path Bands and Times
North America East – Short Path Bands and Times
North America West – Long Path, Bands and Times
North America West – Short Path, Bands and Times
3 thoughts on “CQ CQ de VK9CI – we are trying to reach you all!”
Hi guys. Know what your are dealing with. It is not an easy task working NA from Cocos. We where 4 operators there in March 2016 as VK9CK. We managed just over 10% NA from there. Doing our best. Good luck, have been looking for you on 80 and 160 lately. Nice signal on 160 when you worked the OC contest. But not easy getting true. Will surely try again. Keep up the good work.
73 de Morten LB8DC
Good luck guys. We have difficulty getting other dxpedititions from other parts of the world.
de VK6WX.
Good luck on last days. For us in Oceania the only good window seems around 1100 to 1300 UTC on 20m. Today I called you several times on 14033 CW as you were 599 but I assume your operator only wished for NA. Please do take Oceania DX if you hear it, as it is probably our one and only chance. Thank you and looking forward to work you for a ATNO. VY 73 de 3D2AG.
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