Team Apparel on its way
Expecting the DXpedition apparel to arrive next week.
Expecting the DXpedition apparel to arrive next week.
The Japan DX International Meeting 2017 makes the CQ Magazine in Japan
Pictures thanks to Masayuki Kawamoto JR3RIU.
Pictures of Lee Moyle VK3GK and Chris VK3FY doing the VK9XI & VK9CI presentation. Also Nik VK3FNIK Norman, plus the us with the DU delegation.
News just in from Adrian KO8SCA is that the 4 ICOM IC7300’s have arrived safely in New York today.
Its great to have ICOM America as one of our Major Equipment sponsors who are loaning us these great transceivers for the DXpedition. They arrived in a Pelican case, ready for traveling!
A perfect day to do some prep work for our radio trip to Christmas and Cocos islands in a couple if weeks. Much thanks to the packer upper of the DXengineering hex beam last time. It makes reassembly to check so much easier.
Cliff VK9VKL who is the only resident ham on Christmas Island (and is quite a ‘newbie’ to ham radio) has joined the team for our stay on the island. His local knowledge and resourcefulness will be most welcomed.
The team is also looking forward to helping Cliff set up some new antennas at his home QTH.
We also noticed on club log that Christmas and Cocos Keeling are around mid 40’s for most wanted east coast USA, we hope that we can help get it down the list a bit.
Two team members, Chris VK3FY and Lee VK3GK who are traveling to Japan next week to attend the Tokyo Ham Fair have been invited to give a presentation in regards to preparation and planning of the upcoming VK9XI and VK9CI DXpedition at the JIDX Dinner at the Tokyo Ham Fair. The JARL Ham Fair 2017 will be held at Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Tokyo on September 2nd (Saturday) and 3rd (Sunday).
The Team also welcomes Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA our newest team member who has joined us.
He is an avid DXer, DXpeditioner and Contester. His skill set is most welcomed into the team for this DXpedition. He will be joining the team for both Christmas Is and Cocos Is.
Only 3 months to go and we should be active from Chistmas Island.
Lee VK3GK was lucky enough to work VK9AA on 40m SSB on the 28th of June from VK3 at 1400z….its even a difficult path for VK as most operations happen on the NW side of the island and there is a big mountain in the way between Christmas Island and Australia.
I expect we should have similar signals from VK9XI as we will be running similar equipment, antennas and operating from the same area except our low band antennas (160m/80m and 40m) may be more efficient..
This expedition began planning in early 2017 as the brainchild of Chris VK3FY, Lee VK3GK and Tony VK3TZ. The idea was to activate each island as part of the Oceania DX Contest in either the SSB or CW divisions.
Both Christmas Island (OC-002) as VK9XI and Cocos Keeling Island (OC-003) as VK9CI will be active each for a week.
In addition to the original three operators they will be joined by Luke Steele VK3HJ and Peter Dernikos VK3FN (K3BV).
The on air plan will the team mainly work Split. Please do not call on their transmit frequency, (unless specifically asked). SSB split will start most of the time 5 KHz up from their
transmit frequency.CW/RTTY will start 1 KHz up from their transmit frequency. The team intends to try and keep splits as narrow as possible. Also, if they are not listening UP, they will listen DOWN. Always listen to and follow the operators instructions. No specific frequencies has been choosen as yet. Keep watching the DX clusters or spots.
NOTE: the team will be specifically making provisions to work within the US General band plans.
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