We finally got the 160m vertical up last night. Managed ti work several JA’s and west coast USA last night. On our sunrise this morning, managed to work N1DG East coast USA and a few EU inc England snd France. Also got an EU pileup but in the noise…. So this morning will be installing the SAL30 RC array.
It”s Hot and very humid with a relentless sun pounding down while we set up antennas today. We completed the 40-10m vertical and its been performing very well on 15m so far. Adrian KO8SCA has been active on CW whilst the rest of the team has worked on the remaining antennas.
It seems that Adrian however has committed the cardinal DXpedition sin of bringing along an untested piece of kit. In this case a very “dashing looking” red foot switch. Fortunately the folks at DXEngineering had a premonition this might happen and sent along some Heil foot switches just in case!
Outside, the 80-10m doublet is being installed between a couple of coconut palm trees.
The 2el 20/15/10m yagi is also up and running at about 10m. A VK3TZ design and working extremely well on 10m at the moment. This is a very Lightweight antenna and also very broadband covering from the CW through to top of the SSB band segments. Operation has commenced on 10m using the antenna and so far reports are excellent.
Finally work has commenced on putting up the 160m antenna as well. Keep watching the clusters for details of what frequencies are operational! 73’s from the team at VK9XI!
The team is underway with 15m on the air on CW this afternoon!
The following was relayed to Facebook today by JA0RUG
That was the heard calling them as seen in VK5, although at the time they weren’t copyable in VK5. The DXCluster and Reverse Beacon Networks were showing their progress well!
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